Drinking alcohol begins at a young age as a way to express our new right, freedoms or rebel against the world.

It’s a culturally-influenced action accepted as a way to relax the mind and body after long, stressful work — or a anxiety-riddled life. Gettting drunk is nearly a required rite of passage into adulthood in the U.S. and many other countries.

Once you know how much is too much, logic suggests we don’t get drunk twice. But special events, pride, stress and underlying trauma — as well as stubbornness — can return us every day or every week to the point of drunken stupor when walking is unpredictable.

And driving a motor vehicle is a life-or-death risk. When a crash happens, law enforcement and medical personnel often check the blood alcohol level of the driver and look for evidence of a possible DUI event.

That can cause a young or more mature person to be found guilty and lose driving privileges or perhaps face manslaughter, etc. Charges. They may end up in jail for years also.

But what is the root cause of drinking alcohol in excess? Why do we lose control and still demand to drive when many of our friends know it’s a fool’s game?

The bottom line is: DUI’s happen when the consumption of alcohol is an almost-involuntary, a coping mechanism to significant emotional pain that needs soothing now — right now. That trauma is often triggered into an urgent desire for relief that alcohol, we are taught by society, may help.

When that triggering motivation kicks in, there is not enough alcohol available to soothe the often long-held, emotional wound that is at the heart of angry and or humorous outbursts.

Every DUI case should include therapy to explore and transform the emotional trauma that lurks in the heart of a troubled individual. The person with a DUI is not a bad person; they need guidance to resolve 1-2 troubling events.

Then they can avoid future DUI and a need to be intoxicated for life the therapist specializes in root cause transformation; many do not.

Public intoxication and DUI convicts are productive, often thriving members of the community. However below that, pain resides and can explode again and again in drunken rage, violence, crime, abuse and thousands of auto accidents annually.

Our awareness can prevent this national epidemic and reduce the number of lives taken dramatically. It’s teamwork, coordination with law enforcement, the legal and medication experts.

Prison is not the ultimate solution for alcohol addiction or those struggling with the aftermath of a DUI death.


By Terry Carter, RTT, CHYP
Founder of WorldWellnessToday.com, the holistic life and healing site

The Covid Crisis in education may have ended this spring. But the effects of remote classes, growing responsibilities for teachers, administrators, contact tracing and more have diminished the educational progress.

Many suggest students should repeat their previous grade or be held back because very little new material was absorbed and retained in the school year from 2020-21.

Students and teachers feel as if nothing was learned in 2020 due to the pandemic-inspired, education disruption.

How can parents save the day? It is much more than catching up with classwork, concepts with a tutor or counselor.

Parents can become their child’s hero by empowering to form a partnership with our brain, improving self-confidence, motivation, embracing excellence academically and in extracurricular activities. Collaborating with your mind transforms lives.

The answers can vary somewhat depending on students, however, adding hours of study, rehashing facts and figures from last year is not the first and only step for parents. Some years ago, that may have been the only strategy to help.

This summer parents can lead their child back to their passion, brilliance and thriving again. Through encouragement and support, parents are building our children’s self-confidence, resilience and interests to engage life, sports and education fully once again.

Many young children and teens are responding to the pandemic by isolating themselves through depression, profound sadness, addiction

All of us suffered and are still recovering from the emotional, financial stress of the pandemic, remote classes, internet access, having enough PCs/tablets for our children, shortages of patience, time, attention and more.

Here are 3 Key Steps Toward Healthier, Happier Children Who Excel and Succeed

1. Your mind does exactly what it thinks you want it to do. If your child is not getting the expected results, their mind could be confused with the self-talk happening internally. The Solution? Begin to update that process with specific language like “I want to…” or “I am choosing to…” to avoid distractions, disconnection and procrastination. Communicate to your mind using very detailed, precise and positive wording. This is powerful and upgrades moods and chemicals naturally released in the body.

2. The mind is hard-wired to move toward pleasure and away from pain. This primary survival mindset is not to make life easier, but to ensure we live another day. When children link pain or illness with school/remote learning, the mind locks on to moving away from that habit. The self-talk of “I am dreading writing this paper because sitting here for hours drains. I am afraid of failing this class” creates an imaginary pain point, and the mind responds by pushing away from the table of education. The Solution? You choose what you link to pain or pleasure. And if you link writing to tremendous creativity and joy, then your focus and results will improve significantly. Try saying “I love writing or history. They are a challenge, but I have tremendous coping skills and love sharpening my brain because it shows what I have learned.”

3. Your mind understands how you you feel about something comes down to two things: The pictures you make in your mind and the words you say to yourself. The inner voice dialog we all use is conducted by our thoughts. To change the dialog, you have to change your mind, and that can be done powerfully by changing the words you choose to say and the mental images you choose to focus on.

These tips are much more than positive thinking. This is internally re-wiring your brain for success by communicating more effectively with purpose. These steps can help a student, child or adult to think better, feel better and improve their success rate with learned skills.

To get the best results with this exercise, close your eyes and relax. Love yourself enough to embrace the steps fully in trust and hope. As you finish, imagine who you want to be when you open your eyes.

Don’t just see that smart, happy, confident student in your mind, also hear him/her giving perfect answers, feel their confidence in helping others, touch the genius within you and that a permanent part of you. Also touch a part of the life of the student you envision, whether picking up a perfect test paper result in your hardest class or receiving a full scholarship from your first college choice.

•••For more study tips and 1-on-1 training to unleash your academic potential, call 281.541.4983 or book a free consultation with WorldWellnessToday.com•••