Florence Scovel Shinn wrote a brilliant, but overlooked, book nearly a century ago called The Game of Life and How To Play It.

The author was forced to self-publish the work in 1925, allegedly because no female authors were considered viable at the time. Yet her words are filled with wisdom that still ring true today.

For affirmations, mediation, hypnosis and visualization are the strongest mental elements available to motivate and deliver exceptional performance in all areas of life. That includes

Shinn believed and shared openly that positive thought and powerful, Christian affirmations spoken for both desperate needs and life-long desires encourage good fortune, love, perfect timing and manifesting unexpectedly rewarding futures.

Today where do you stand in your conscious efforts to to be happy, health, wealthy and live in an empowered way?

For the vast majority, life is about long hours, sacrifice, serving others and allowing the world to dictate your success, joy and satisfaction. Even our lunch schedules, vacations and time with our families are controlled by someone else.

If this sounds like a MLM invitation, it’s not. Take a breath. But as Shinn, Norman Vincent Peale, Bruce Lee, Gary Zukav, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Don Miguel Ruiz and others have proclaimed, change in our lives is not our boss’s responsibility.

Change is our dominion. We are not merely victims in the game of life. We are kings and queens in The Matrix or any fictional analogy you wish to imagine. Some say The Matrix with Neo, Morpheus and Trinity is very close to our real world.

If you can imagine yourself as a powerful, main character capable of winning any mission you fully prepare for and commit to, only two things can hold you back: The depth of your conviction (belief in yourself) and the amount/duration of action you take.

Join me next time for a straight forward path seeing how to bring your talents into the real world and claim more successes than ever before.

I will say it’s not a pill and won’t happen in five minutes. But I am among thousands who have achieved significant, if not miraculous, success in the past few years.